creating HSE excellence together
Be curious about what you have to offer
Select the best option
Record, learn from and share your performance
Identify, record and communicate
Make it easy for everyone
Consider your expertise and then innovate. Set the tone, responsibilities and accountabilities from the outset.
Push the boundaries of what you know has been done before and what you could make even safer.
Understand client needs and the intended use of the end product, this can be interpreted in making informed decisions about designing out risks where practicably reasonable.
Base solutions on the principles of prevention and evaluate the best options in safety and design for all stakeholders. Consider opportunities for value+ and sustainability+.
Communication is vital, share knowledge, information and approaches effectively across all disciplines to make people working on different areas of the project aware of any issues or, mitigation measures in place.
Identify and record the risks, use HERR forms, design hazard lists and red, amber, green (RAG) lists, take residual risks as low as reasonably practicable by consulting with all parties involved.
Communicate and collaborate. Consider the overall process and how it can be made easier for everyone - from concept to throughout the project lifecycle.
“Considering safety and constructability from the ground up reduced CAPEX from $0.5 - 0.8 per litre to $0.4 per litre.”
Arthur P. Kennedy Water Treatment Plant, Canada
“Moving the pipeline from three meters of existing pipeline to six meters away reduced the cost of land easements for the lifetime of the project. The decision was made through collaborative effort between feasibility design and the ECI Contractor”
Southampton to London Pipeline
“Safety Innovations in our design on a major UK infrastructure project have saved $21million and increased life spans of structures by 50 years”
Smart Motorway Programme, UK