4. Our Carbon Footprint
We use 2019 as our baseline year for all carbon reporting and carbon reduction target-setting, and each year we publish our GHG inventory (carbon footprint) which is verified by an accredited third party.
Our carbon footprint is made up of various sources of emissions, categorized as Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3:
Scope 1 emissions are carbon emissions that a company directly creates at the source. For example, exhaust from vehicles or combustion of natural gas in a boiler for heating a building.
Scope 2 emissions are emissions that are indirectly caused by the energy consumption of a company, but which are emitted from equipment or sources controlled by other parties.
Scope 3 emissions are the indirect emissions that come from all the other activities a company engages in and are often referred to as emissions from the supply chain.
A high-level summary of our carbon footprint data is captured below. More detail on our carbon data and our verification statements is published annually on our Jacobs Investor Relations ESG microsite.
Reduction Total FY19 - FY21
Reduction Target by 2030
Reduction Target by 2040
Our deep commitment to environmental protection and concern regarding the climate crisis led to aggressive carbon emission commitments established in our first Climate Action Plan on April 22, 2020. Detailed in our Carbon Neutrality Commitment[1], we achieved 100% low-carbon electricity and became carbon neutral for our operations and business travel in 2020 and continue to maintain these commitments.
As a member of the SBTi Technical Advisory Group (TAG) since 2020 and a participant in the Net-Zero Road Test in 2021, we committed to setting Net-Zero targets in line with the SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard. Key requirements of the Net-Zero Standard include a focus on rapid, deep emissions cuts; setting near- and long-term targets; only claiming achievement of net-zero after long-term targets are met; and investing in mitigation within and outside the value chain.
[1] Carbon neutrality demonstrated through the PAS 2060:2014 global standard.